Friday, January 22, 2016

Beginning Course Syllabus

Fan Lee Warren Laney College
Art Department Fall 2017
Classroom AC125 Wed. 12:00 pm-5: 50 -3: 50 pm
Office Location: AC125A Office Hours: Wed. 11:00am-12:00 pm
Office Phone: 510 464 3266 Email:

Drawing Composition

Art 20- Beginning

Course Syllabus

Drawing not only develops hand -eye coordination, it teaches one to really observe, to see, as nothing else ever will.  Nancy Marulewicz
Course Description:
This is an introductory course that explores the basic principles and elements of composing drawings using a variety of exercises and techniques. The exploration of line, value, form, shape, spatial development and composition will be emphasized. Drawings will be created from observation and exploration of still life, interiors, landscapes and the figure.

Course Objectives:
1. The class goals include learning to allow the creative part of our minds to create more freely, while learning basic techniques of drawing.

2. This course will explore theory and the practice of drawing and composition.

3. Beginning problems will be structured into fundamentals exercises.

Student Learning Objectives:
1. Student will be able to comprehend and execute the basic principles of composing a drawing using traditional drawing techniques.

2. Students will be able to observe and illustrate 3 dimensional objects using light and shadow.

4. Students will have a portfolio of drawing for educational assessment and student exhibitions.

Class Procedures & Policies:

Drawing assignments will be given weekly. You will be required to use time in class and outside of class to complete the assigned work. The more you draw the more you will learn and build your drawing skills. Assignments are given with a specific due date. If the class is working more quickly or slowly the due date will be revised. If you have any questions about an assignment or don’t understand the instructions… please ask questions.

Class Blog
The class blog contains information and demonstrations about each drawing assignment.

On the day an assignment is due we will have a critique. It is required that you attend and participate in all critiques. Do not miss critiques, even if you have not finished an assignment. It is mandatory to put up your work to receive credit for your participation. Any and all critiques are about the work. It is your opportunity to talk, ask questions and receives feedback about your drawings from your classmates and instructor. It is important to hear what is said about other work and that you offer your own ideas. Private conversations or texting during critique are inappropriate. If you want to rework a drawing based on comments offered during critique, you are welcome and encouraged to do so. You can resubmit work at any time to try and improve your grade.

Participation and Attendance
You are strongly encouraged to attend all classes as participation crucial to your success as well as your grade. This is a studio class and drawing is a hands on activity. What you miss can never really be made up. If you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what material was covered and making up any assignments. This means coming directly to the instructor and/or speaking with a classmate who understands instructions completely. Come to class on time. The accumulation of 3 occurrences of tardiness (10 minutes late or more) or early departures (10 minutes early or more) will be the equivalent of (1) absence. Classes often begin with a lecture, demonstration or important announcements. Please be on time and expect to stay until the end of class. You are permitted one 15 minute break during the class period. Please make sure not to take this break during a critique, discussion and/or demonstration. An accumulation of 8 or more absences will result in failure.


Grades are based on your ability to meet the following criteria:

1.Quality of your work - effort and enthusiasm visible in your work, timely completion and thoughtful presentation of your work and the careful organization of your work for midterm and final reviews.
Excellent, inspired” work is graded with an A
Good” work is graded with a B
Average” work is graded with a C
2. Verbal and physical participation in class and critiques.
3. Preparedness for the completion of assignments and class work.
4. Regular attendance: Each absence after the 3 allowed absences reduces the overall grade
by a third of a point: (for example: An A becomes an A- an A- becomes a B+)
5. Evidence of growth and improvement- including effective demonstration of techniques and concepts discussed and/or demonstrated.
Midterm Review
At midterm, your work will be reviewed to access your work / progress. Please keep all of your work for this review.

Final Critique

There will be a mandatory final critique at the end of the term. Your final drawings should be complete and ready for presentation for this critique. During this critique we may have a class potluck.

Course Schedule

Introductions- Review Syllabus and Materials list HW: Buy materials

Slide Lecture: Drawing and Composition
Compositional Sketching and Contour Line Drawing HW: Continue and complete: Contour Line - bring an object to draw for next class

Slide Lecture: Critique: Blind Contour Line
Lecture: Composition: Line
Explore Lines: have an object to draw HW: Continue and complete: Line Exercise

Slide Lecture: Critique: Out line/ Gesture
Lecture: Composition: Gesture
Explore Lines: Hatching and cross from previous drawings HW: Continue Gesture drawing

Critique: Hatching &Cross Hatching Exercise
Lecture: Composition using 3 or more line technique
Compositional Play- Abstraction HW: Continue and complete assignment from class

Critique: Composition using 3 or more line technique
Lecture: Negative Space
Negative Space-charcoal drawings in class exercise HW: Continue negative space sketches for final drawings- bring in photographic resources

Critique: Negative space sketches
Begin Final Negative Space Drawings-
HW: Continue negative-have a photograph as a resource

Critique: Negative space drawing
Continue Negative space Drawing

Midterm Reviews: Individual Presentation of Completed Assignments

Slide Lecture: Value and Form
Value Scale Exercise HW: Continue Exercise

Critique: Value Scale Exercise
Value and Shading Drawing of a Still life HW: Continue Drawing

Critique: Value Drawing of a Still life
Slide Lecture: Tonal Ground, Subtractive Charcoal Drawing
Value and Form: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing in class still life
HW: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing,

Critique: Value Drawing of a Still life
Slide Lecture: Tonal Ground, Subtractive Charcoal Drawing
Value and Form: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing in class still life
HW: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing,

Critique: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing
Continue Value and Form: Subtractive Charcoal Drawing
HW: complete subtractive homework

Critique: Subtractive Drawings
Lecture: Drawing the Light, Drawing with White
Drawing the Light, Drawing with White in class drapery still life
HW: White object on light colored or brown paper
Last day to turn in missing and/or extra credit work


Drawing and Composition Materials List

7 -20 sticks * Vine Charcoal SOFT
7-15 sticks * Vine Charcoal MEDIUM
3 -5 sticks * Compressed Charcoal (soft)
1 each * “General’s” Charcoal pencil HB AND 6B
1 only * Graphite pencil 2B or regular #2 pencil
1 only “Cretacolor” or “Prismacolor” Woodless Graphite 8 or 9B
1 only “Derwent” white drawing pencil (Chinese white)
3 pack “Alphacolor Soft Pastels” – White
1 each Medium blending stick/stump
1 only Chamois Cloth
1 only * “Design” Kneaded Rubber Eraser
2 each * “Magic Rub” Erasers
1 only 1”wide tape (masking or other)
1 pad 18”x 24” White Drawing Paper (24 sheets or more)
1 pad * 18”x 24” Newsprint (rough texture, 100 sheets or more)
(“Ingres”, “Fabriano Tiziano”, “Mi Tientes”)
1 only * Masonite Drawing Board

(Very Useful)

1 of each “Prismacolor NuPastel” (advance)
2 sheets 19”x25” (MEDIUM TONE) colored drawing paper (advance)
1 only Click Eraser assorted sizes (staedtler or sanford)
1 only Spray Fixative or Hairspray
1 set “Alphacolor”Pastels assortment of 12 colors
Several soft cotton rags
1 only good scissors
1 only * apron / other covering for keeping clean
1 sheet sand paper (60 – 120 grit)
Extra sheets higher quality colored or textured papers
1-roll * paper towels

Recommended locations to purchase supplies:

Dick Blick / The Art Store 811 University Avenue Berkeley 510 486 2600

5301 Broadway Oakland 510 658 2787

Artist and Craftsmen Supply 2573 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley 888 217 3150
Utrecht Art Supplies 1909 University Ave Berkeley 510 649 0808

Intermediate Course Syllabus

Fan Lee Warren Laney College
Art Department Fall 2017
Classroom AC125 Wed. 12:00 pm-5: 50 pm
Office Location: AC125A Office Hours: Wed. 11:00am-12:00 pm
Office Phone: 510 464 3266 Email:

Drawing and Composition

Art 22 Intermediate

Course Syllabus
Drawing is the basis of art. A bad painter cannot draw. But one who draws well can always paint.”     Arshile Gorky

Course Description:
This class is a continuance in the development of concepts and skills that was introduced in ART 20 and ART 21. A variety of drawing materials, techniques and theories are explored.

Course Objectives:
1. The goal of this class is to facilitate student’s comprehension and development of their own work and personal voices.

2. Students will continue to explore how19th Century artist have influenced the drawings of contemporary artist

Student Learning Objectives:
1. Student will be able to demonstrate an increased awareness of the basic vocabulary of drawing: line, shape, value, color, form and space; and to organize these visual elements and their relationships.

2. Student will be able to set goals for independent projects.

3. Student will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of composition within individual works of art.

4. Students will be able to Prepare and present portfolio for professional and educational assessment.

Class Procedures & Policies

Drawing assignments will be given weekly. You will be required to use time in class and outside of class to complete the assigned work. The more you draw the more you will learn and build your drawing skills. Each assignment will begin with an exercise and/or preparatory sketches to practice skills, build experience and develop ideas for final drawings. Assignments are given with a specific due date. If you have any questions about an assignment or don’t understand the instructions… please ask questions.

Class Blog
The class blog contains information and demonstrations about each drawing assignment.

Independent Projects
Before midterm each of you will begin working on an independent project(s). This is a requirement of both intermediate and advanced students. You can begin as early as the third week of classes or wait until the week after midterm to begin. Along with developing the ideas for your work you will create a written description of your project(s), with visual references and timeline for the completion. This written description will be presented as part of your midterm review. Please see list of topic ideas on the last page of this handout.

A notebook/journal, which is used for idea development, plans imagery, collecting examples and experimentation. It should be no smaller than 81/2” x 11” and no larger than 18”x24”. If well developed this sketchbook may provide you with extra credit.

On the day an assignment is due we will have a critique. It is required that you attend and participate in all critiques. Do not miss critiques, even if you have not finished an assignment. It is mandatory to put up your work to receive credit for your participation. Any and all critiques are about the work. The comments made are not personal. We are all here to learn about drawing and each of our assignments is an exercise and experiment with drawing. Try to keep that in perspective. In class critiques we take the time to discuss and evaluate all the work and thought you have put in to each assignment. It is your opportunity to talk, ask questions and receives feedback about your drawings from your classmates’ and myself. It is important to hear what is said about other work and that you offer your own ideas. Private conversations during critique are inappropriate. If you want to rework a drawing based on comments offered during critique, you are welcome to do so. You can resubmit work at any time to try and improve your grade.

Participation and Attendance
You are strongly encouraged to attend all classes as participation crucial to your success as well as your grade. This is a studio class and drawing is hands on activity. What you miss can never really be made up. If you miss a class, you are responsible for finding out what material was covered and making up any assignments. This means coming directly to the instructor and/or speaking with a classmate who understands instructions completely. Come to class on time. The accumulation of 3 occurrences of tardiness (10 minutes late or more) or early departures (10 minutes early or more) will be the equivalent of (1) absence. Classes often begin with a lecture, demonstration or important announcements. Please be on time and expect to stay until the end of class. You are permitted one 15 minute break during the class period. Please make sure not to take this break during a critique, discussion and/or demonstration. An accumulation of 8 or more absences will result in failure. No texting or phone calls during class time.


Grades are based on your ability to meet the following criteria:

1.Quality of your work - effort and enthusiasm visible in your work, timely completion and thoughtful presentation of your work and the careful organization of your portfolio for midterm and final reviews.
Excellent, inspired” work is graded with an A
Good” work is graded with a B
Average” work is graded with a C
2. Verbal and physical participation in class and critiques.
3. Preparedness for the completion of assignments and class work.
4. Regular attendance: Each absence after the 2 allowed absences reduces the overall grade by a third of a point: (for example: An A becomes an A- an A- becomes a B+)
5. Evidence of growth and improvement- including effective demonstration of techniques and concepts discussed and/or demonstrated.

Extra Credit
Up to 3 extra credit drawings can be done to make up for accumulated absences. These drawings must be equivalent to or greater than the amount of effort and time put into our in class or homework assignments and turned in before the last week of classes.

Midterm Review
At midterm, portfolios will be reviewed to access your work / progress. Please keep all of your work for this review.

Final Critique
There will be a final critique at the end of the term. Your final drawings should be complete and ready for presentation for this critique. During this critique we will also hold a class potluck.

Course Schedule

Introductions- Review Syllabus and Materials List

Slide/ Video Lecture: Review Fundamentals of Drawing and Composition

Slide/ Video Lecture: Review Fundamentals of Drawing and Composition
Prepare Materials and a paragraph or more on what you want from drawing and/ or why you want to draw. Exercise: sketching and contour line drawing – explore materials
Oral presentation of written paragraphs and group discussion
Exercise: contour line drawing, create dynamic composition with multiple drawings of one object HW: Exercise: Master Copy, find and research an artist you want to learn from
Critique: contour line drawing – all sections
Exercise: Drawing from an Image HW: Exercise: Master Copy, find and research an artist you want to learn from
Work on: Master Copy

Continue: Master Copy

Critique: Master Copy Assignment

Midterm Reviews: Individual Presentation of Completed Assignments

Exercise: Compose 25 drawings of one object on one sheet of paper

Continue composing 25 drawings of one object on one sheet of paper
Critique 25 drawings one object
Intensive Focus; Individual Projects

Intensive Focus; Individual Projects

Intensive Focus; Individual Projects

Intensive Focus; Individual Projects

Final Critique, Present Individual Projects for Review and Class Potluck
Final Critique, Present Individual Projects for Review and Class Potluck


Conceptual – Process over Product
Master Study
Mixed Media / Collage
Non- Objective
Response / Reactive Drawing
Subject / Content Specific
Technique Based
Time, Energy, Movement


Intermediate and Advanced Drawing and Composition Materials List

Please bring any and all drawing materials you already have or want to try!

1 stick “Grumbacher”-Jumbo Medium grade vine charcoal
1 each “General’s” Charcoal pencil 4B or higher
1 only “Cretacolor” Woodless Graphite 8 or 9B
1 only “Derwent” white drawing pencil (Chinese white)
3 pack “Alphacolor Char-Kole” Compressed Charcoal
3 pack “Alphacolor Soft Pastels” – White
1 set Color pastels – 12 or more assorted colors
1 each “Neo Color” black and white crayons, water-soluble
1 only Sumi Brush
1 small jar Sumi or India Ink
Small tube White Gouache (“Windsor and Newton” or “Designers”)
1 only 1” brush (inexpensive)
1 only Kneaded Rubber Eraser ”Design”
2 each “Magic Rub” Erasers
1 only “Staedtler” Click Eraser
1 only 1”wide tape (masking or other)
1 pad 18”x 24” White Drawing Paper (24 sheets or more)
(“Canson” or “Strathmore”)
1 pad 18”x 24” Newsprint (rough texture, 100 sheets or more)
1 only Spray Fixative or Hairspray
1 only Masonite Drawing Board
Several soft cotton rags


1 only Cardboard portfolio (Utrecht) or other portfolio
1 sheet Sandpaper (60-120 grit)
Extra sheets higher quality colored or textured papers
(ex. Arches Cover or Rives BFK)

Recommended locations to purchase supplies:

Dick Blick / The Art Store 811 University Avenue Berkeley 510 486 2600

5301 Broadway Oakland 510 658 2787

Artist and Craftsmen Supply 2573 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley 888 217 3150
Utrecht Art Supplies 1909 University Ave Berkeley 510 649 0808